Sunday, October 9, 2011

Web 2.0 & Dropbox

Ah, wireless. I remember the day when I first heard about it... I was so confused and couldn't quite comprehend how I was able to connect to the internet with out my ethernet cord... "Wait, I don't need any wires?" Now, we don't need to carry around our flash drives or email ourselves our papers??! This idea is just as difficult for me to comprehend.

Web 2.0 allows more than one way to access or retrieve information that is virtually saved. This process is commonly known as "cloud computing" because files exist "in the cloud" rather than on computer hard drives or other electronic devices. This can be a major lifesaver especially for those who are in the process of their gigantic work sample or research papers. No longer do we have to lug around heavy laptop computers, remember to pack our external or flash drives, or email ourselves our papers because we can access our files anytime and anywhere on Web 2.0! Hooray!

Drop box is one way to utilize web 2.0! Drop box allows people to store, share, and sync files between various computers and programs. Just by signing up and downloading drop box you automatically receive 2 GB of free story space. This application also works offline which can be especially handy when you live in an area that doesn't consistently receive a strong wireless signal. Watch this handy you tube video to explore more aspects of drop box!

Dropbox can be used to enhance learning by being able to:
* Access and share documents with partners or groups.
* Increased communication between students, teachers and parents
* Promote active learning
* Works across computer platforms: When creating a document on your home computer on a mac, it can easily be accessed through school computers that may be a PC

1 comment:

  1. Great start --- just needs a little refining.
    - make the tutorial link ACTIVE so one can click on it.
    - when we learn -> make this a shorter link

    - How can Dropbox be used as a tool to enhance teaching and/or learning?
